Publish your Book

We Help Authors Bring Their Books to Life


Creative Minds Publications is a proud member of the Independent Book Publishers Association. We help authors turn an original book idea into an official book launch. Our personalized approach provides the full publishing experience including editing, designing, printing, distributing, marketing, and publicity. We accept unsolicited submissions from published and unpublished authors. No referral or agent is required. Email to get started today.

“I recently wrote my first children’s book, Two Mice at the Eiffel Tower, but did not have a clue where to start.  I knew Kathryn Starke as a nationally recognized children’s author and educator. The best decision I ever made was to sign on with Kathryn and publish through her company Creative Minds Publications. Kathryn is knowledgeable, has outstanding connections, gives sound advice through the editing process, and is always by your side.  I would highly recommend that you consider using Kathryn as your publisher. She will guide you through the process seamlessly.  I am honored to be a part of her team now and have already signed on for her services with my second book.  Kathryn Starke is a star in the world of literacy and publishing.” -Donna Dalton, Author, Two Mice Children’s Travel Series

Submit your manuscript

We are open to reading submissions in the following genres and categories: children’s picture books, middle grade chapter books, YA novels, sports, politics, memoirs, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, education, parenting, self-help, business, and leadership. Email your cover letter and manuscript to If we select to publish your story under our imprint, we will develop a collaborative plan for the author to fund the publishing cost. No royalties are taken from our company until the author recoups 100% of his/her investment.

Self-publishing Consulting

If you prefer to keep full creative control of publication of your book, we provide consulting services for writing, editing, designing, printing, distributing, and marketing. Fees may vary.

Your Business, Your Brand, Your Story!

Everyone has a story to tell. We want to help you tell yours. We have a ghostwriter available or can help you through the entire writing and editing process to bring your story to life. You can choose to market, sell, and publicize your book or simply share it with your target audience.